This blog is primarily concerned with NIS 2007 (and a bit on NIS 08). I have nothing to say about more recent versions.

This blog is more or less dormant (except for occasional comments on related news), and is being left on-line as a historical record and perhaps as a warning to future generations of anti-virus coders.


10 Diggs

Thanks Diggers!

Only a few days left on the latest survey. 'Resource Hog' leading far and away. Symantec, assuming they choose to try to survive, could get some valuable marketing information from that survey.


Anonymous said...

use Linux man I tell you I didnt have to worry about virus or spyware. Default install no firewall/anti-spyware/anti-virus needed.

Saves a lot of headaches. No freaking stupid reboots.

Anonymous said...

I agree, but...

I'm a big fan of peripheral devices; gadgets that plug into the USB port and so forth. In general, one needs to have a Windows XP computer in the house to achieve maximum compatibility with such hardware. Even Vista is a major issue. For that reason, our old desktop with XP isn't going anywhere.

For Linux, from what I've seen, the 'International Driver Shortage' continues.

But when I ever get around to building a PC, I'm not likely to pay hundreds of dollars for Windows. So it would likely be a Linux machine at that point.

But I agree with you.