This blog is primarily concerned with NIS 2007 (and a bit on NIS 08). I have nothing to say about more recent versions.

This blog is more or less dormant (except for occasional comments on related news), and is being left on-line as a historical record and perhaps as a warning to future generations of anti-virus coders.



A little Symantec message box popped up from the system tray mentioning that Symantec updates are available and politely asking if now would be a good time to download them.

So I click 'Yes'.

It then puts up a message about how now is not a good time for it.

Idiots. Complete fricken idiots.

I'd call them stupid, but that would be an insult to stupid people everywhere.


Anonymous said...

The people at Trend Micro have had enough too. See here

Anonymous said...

That's a preview Tiny URL link that leads to the Trend Micro link provided by Fred.