This blog is primarily concerned with NIS 2007 (and a bit on NIS 08). I have nothing to say about more recent versions.

This blog is more or less dormant (except for occasional comments on related news), and is being left on-line as a historical record and perhaps as a warning to future generations of anti-virus coders.


Attention Symantec employees and reps

If there are known solutions to any of these issues, then let's not keep them a secret. I don't really want to have an off-line private discussion about these issues. If there is a known solution to a known issue, then leave a specific comment with the details, or with a link to the Symantec web page with the solution.

I'm not going to begrudge solutions. I will help to publicize them for the benefit of the many NIS07 users that are likely experiencing the same issue.

Of course, if the solution involves magic command line incantations that are supposed to be controlled from the user interface, then I may gently mock such foolishness even while promoting the solution.

But I believe that it is perfectly clear that the vast majority of these issues are plain and simple programming errors by Symantec. And there is no reason why they couldn't be fixed almost instantly, and the updates distributed via LiveUpdate.


Anonymous said...

running my eye over the problems you look to have been having, I would say it looks more related to Vista than Norton - extended disk activity, etc.

Anonymous said...

No, I disagree.

My experiences with NIS07 under XP were FAR WORSE than the problems under Vista. It got to the point that I was forced to uninstall NIS07 from my old XP desktop.

I agree that Vista is presently not very good, at least it doesn't have quite so many blatent errors as NIS07. NIS07 is simply BAD.

-Blog owner

Anonymous said...

Use to be a home tech support guy, helping people set up their computers and dsl modems etc. Standard home stuff.

Nearly every single one of them had also bought Norton 360. I thought NIS 2003 and 2004 was bad, but this takes the cake!!

Usually takes over an hour to install, AFTER uninstalling the pissweak excuse of a program NIS 2007 (which takes 30 minutes to uninstall... if that even works).

I asked many people why they bought it, they were pressured into it from the PC shop they got it from (a large retail chain). Always, i say to them 'AV X is way better, and free'.

What a POS company Symantec is. They should be sued for time lost and mental anguish.

Illinoisfrank said...

WinFaxPro sucks too. It used to not suck (actually, it used to be quite good). Now it sucks. Just saying.

Anonymous said...

Just sent this to the Norton Customer Stories page, which requests positive customer experiences. Somehow I don't think they'll print it.

You bought Powerquest years ago. At the time Partition Magic was on v8. All those years later it's still on v8. So obviously you bought the company with the intention of letting it die slowly, hoping people would use your inferior Ghost. Well it didn't work that way with me. I stopped using your NIS as a result of this. You want to hear positive experiences here? Well, I positively will not use a Symantec product again.