This blog is primarily concerned with NIS 2007 (and a bit on NIS 08). I have nothing to say about more recent versions.

This blog is more or less dormant (except for occasional comments on related news), and is being left on-line as a historical record and perhaps as a warning to future generations of anti-virus coders.


The Symantec OS - LOL...

No, just kidding. It's the way around.

Microsoft has announced a complete security suite.

Free. Free is good. Why pay money for a three license pack when one could have a free license pack.

CBC News

Security Essentials

It remains to be seen if MS-Security Essentials will be as trouble-free as I have found AVG to be.

Update 2010 - yeah. It's slick and trouble-free. And free as in beer.

1 comment:

Bradj47 said...

> Free. Free is good. Why pay money for a three license pack when one could have a free license pack.

I think the same thing about LibreOffice/OpenOffice vs Microsoft Office all the time.